Brick Sandwich
Brick Sandwich
Simple Pleasures Found
Simple Pleasures Found
Glistening Berries
Glistening Berries
Fortunate Foraging
Fortunate Foraging
Brick Sandwich
Brick SandwichWith Cybernetic Enhancements being common enough to be considered widespread, new gastronomic options were presenting themselves to the table. This one was a specialty of Ocean City’s own brigadier general of cuisine, Armount. He presents here the brick sandwich for anyone with the specialized enhancements needed to chew and digest it…AI Generated Wallpaper
Simple Pleasures Found
Simple Pleasures FoundAfter much searching, rustling bush by bush, the woman finds what she has been after. A bushel of berries, ripe and ready to be chosen. She takes a moment to bask in the satisfaction of success. AI Generated Wallpaper
Glistening Berries
Glistening BerriesHiding behind the overgrowth, beyond the scope of my normal searching, I stumble upon a sweet surprise. Seeing more berries than I alone would be able to eat, I beam a smile. I hope the others will rejoice with this bounty. AI Generated Wallpaper
Fortunate Foraging
Fortunate ForagingThough the sun is beating upon our backs, we must gather to survive. We have been lucky this day to find many berries, especially when competition is so high. It is moments like this that make one feel alive. AI Generated Wallpaper
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