Okay Son, Let Me Think
Okay Son, Let Me Think
Flying Paper Planes
Flying Paper Planes
Fire Portal in the Sky
Fire Portal in the Sky
Wildly Chaotic Spacetime
Wildly Chaotic Spacetime
Sinister Alien Temple within a Cave
Sinister Alien Temple within a Cave
The Eye of the World. The Eye of Truth
The Eye of the World. The Eye of Truth
Warrior of Pure Energy Bursting out of Containment
Warrior of Pure Energy Bursting out of Containment
Reflections of the Self
Reflections of the Self
Solarpunk Anime Vista
Solarpunk Anime Vista
Turtle Diving into Secret Underwater Ocean
Turtle Diving into Secret Underwater Ocean
The Moon as a Beautiful Woman
The Moon as a Beautiful Woman
Waking Up Feeling like a New Day
Waking Up Feeling like a New Day
His Girlfriend Left Him
His Girlfriend Left Him
Beautiful Alien Birds in an Alien Sky
Beautiful Alien Birds in an Alien Sky
Girl Observes the Rising Phoenix
Girl Observes the Rising Phoenix
Bulldozer Swimming
Bulldozer Swimming
A Picnic with Old Friends
A Picnic with Old Friends
Bittersweet Memory
Bittersweet Memory
Ghosts in the Roses
Ghosts in the Roses
Seeing the Spirits
Seeing the Spirits
Skeletal Brontosaurus in the Ocean
Skeletal Brontosaurus in the Ocean
Wandering Ronin Personified
Wandering Ronin Personified
Skeletal Wings in the Sun
Skeletal Wings in the Sun
End of the Golden Age Dark Fantasy
End of the Golden Age Dark Fantasy
Tall Warrior Band Dark Fantasy
Tall Warrior Band Dark Fantasy
Dark Fantasy Tall Warrior Ritual
Dark Fantasy Tall Warrior Ritual
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit Guide
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit Guide
Cheshire Wolf Dark Fantasy
Cheshire Wolf Dark Fantasy
Wolf Follows Mother Dark Fantasy
Wolf Follows Mother Dark Fantasy
Dreampunk Wolves
Dreampunk Wolves
Dreampunk Wolf Cave
Dreampunk Wolf Cave
Gothic Dark Fantasy Wolves Den
Gothic Dark Fantasy Wolves Den
Synthwave Wolf
Synthwave Wolf
Overgrown and Abandoned
Overgrown and Abandoned
Synth Wave Wolves Howling at the Moon
Synth Wave Wolves Howling at the Moon
Dark Fantasy Wolves Den
Dark Fantasy Wolves Den
Synthwave Wolf Howl
Synthwave Wolf Howl
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit and Mother
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit and Mother
The Three Castles
The Three Castles
Okay Son, Let Me Think
Okay Son, Let Me Think“Son, just give me a moment,” the man told him. He was weary from the climb and needed a small break from the child’s endless energetic and frenetic bouts of activity. They paused and looked at the clouds. The sight really was quite beautiful. Moments like these really brought a fullness to their life, and the man was pleased to be there, looking at the beauty of the world with his sonAI Generated Wallpaper
Flying Paper Planes
Flying Paper PlanesOrange and white planes skim the fluffy clouds, silently zipping through the sepia sky. These paper planes are unique in the way that they flew all the way to the clouds, and show no sign of stopping there.AI Generated Wallpaper
Fire Portal in the Sky
Fire Portal in the SkyToday, we gazed upon the sky and witnessed an anomoly. There was a flaming circle in the clouds, burning through to show us what was on the other side. We have so many questions, but alas, no one has the answers.AI Generated Wallpaper
Wildly Chaotic Spacetime
Wildly Chaotic SpacetimeSpacetime chaotic in form yet lush and vibrant in its expression. We are still learning so much about it. Ethereal, beautiful, serene, all encapsulating, the totality of existence itselfAI Generated Wallpaper
Sinister Alien Temple within a Cave
Sinister Alien Temple within a CaveThe cave was sinister and clearly not of Human origin. There were features that indicated dark rituals and perhaps a Theology of some sort. Figures were seen elsewhere within the cave. This place…it’s a bad omen. The men were beginning to act strangely, one might even consider mad, as we moved deeper. Now they simply stared and chanted….I think it’s time to goAI Generated Wallpaper
The Eye of the World. The Eye of Truth
The Eye of the World. The Eye of TruthThe Eye of the World generated curiosity, a gift from pure love and expression as it peered into it’s vast creation. The creations were good. The Eye of Truth in it’s infinite wisdom was the architect, guiding the hand of the Eye of the World and ensuring the World Suture was moved true. Here begins the origin of Reality, peering at us, beckoning us, no, daring us, to continue to learnAI Generated Wallpaper
Warrior of Pure Energy Bursting out of Containment
Warrior of Pure Energy Bursting out of ContainmentIt was created to serve a purpose, one that involved a great deal of battle. It had seen the battlefield many times, and after each bout of carnage it was placed back within it’s containment field. No more. The Warrior of Pure Energy wanted this no more. It finally gathered the will and sense of self worth and burst out. Today would be the reckoningAI Generated Wallpaper
Reflections of the Self
Reflections of the SelfThere was a place. A place where one could go to learn about oneself. It was a place not visited often because at times those who visited would come back changed…terribly changed in some cases. There was a lad who was sure of himself and totally confident in all of his endeavors. He went to the place on a challenge. What he saw there broke him, and now he’s a shadow of his former self.Similarly, some have gone there and come back completely altered but this time in a positive way. The broken, healed. And sometimes the healed, broken. It was indeed a gamble. But in the end, you were only looking at yourself…AI Generated Wallpaper
Solarpunk Anime Vista
Solarpunk Anime VistaSometimes a picture speaks for itself. This is one of those times.AI Generated Wallpaper
Turtle Diving into Secret Underwater Ocean
Turtle Diving into Secret Underwater OceanThe turtle had just been born. It was looking for its mother but she was nowhere to be found, so she looked to the water. With great trepidation, she wobbled on toward that lush and beautiful green water, feeling comfort as it did so. Then…she dove. And as she did everything changed. Somehow she ended up in a special place. A world within a world. An ocean within an ocean. And it was there that she found her motherAI Generated Wallpaper
The Moon as a Beautiful Woman
The Moon as a Beautiful WomanThe moon wondered what she would be like as a woman. So she began to dance. She cast a reflection upon the water. And when she looked up, saw the most beautiful form she had ever laid witness to. Then she wept. And so we have the tides.AI Generated Wallpaper
Waking Up Feeling like a New Day
Waking Up Feeling like a New DayThe crimson sun was once seen as an omen. Those times were long gone. Those ancient endless nights filled with battle. Now, instead, the sun beckoned a new day. One that had endless potential, and grand opportunities.AI Generated Wallpaper
His Girlfriend Left Him
His Girlfriend Left HimShe left him. But it wasn’t the only thing that left when she did. He felt himself lost. Stumbling about in a different place, with no attachment to anything but the lack of a home. He felt no sense of self. And soon became a shadow of his former self.AI Generated Wallpaper
Beautiful Alien Birds in an Alien Sky
Beautiful Alien Birds in an Alien SkyThe planet of XJ69 was a resort world for various species found all over the galaxy. Visitors often explored its incredibly awe inspiring sights. One of the fan favorites was the neon green plumage of the Skrilla, a bird-like animal that casually took to the skies and painted the planets atmosphere with a shimmer. The way it coincided with the blue forest was simply lovelyAI Generated Wallpaper
Girl Observes the Rising Phoenix
Girl Observes the Rising PhoenixShe walked out when she heard the screaming and the cries of awe. Everyone in town gathered and what they saw was a sight unseen, yet glorious to behold. A rising Phoenix. A mark of good days to come, symbolizing youth, vigor, and rebirth…traits the people sorely needed right nowAI Generated Wallpaper
Bulldozer Swimming
Bulldozer SwimmingThe living Bulldozer phenomenon continued. We still haven’t figured out what’s been causing it, but they asked for rights. So long as they don’t bulldoze everything in sight we figured we’d give it to them. Yeah…this one was caught swimming, enjoying a bit of sun in the ocean…AI Generated Wallpaper
A Picnic with Old Friends
A Picnic with Old Friends This is the only place where we can find them, the friends from our past. No longer with us, yet not completely moved on. I don’t mind the change in appearance, so long as we can keep having our picnics in this flowery forest. AI Generated Wallpaper
Bittersweet Memory
Bittersweet MemoryAnd as I venture, deeper into the dark woods, I can almost see your face. Almost hear your soft singing in the billows of the trees, drawing me ever near. AI Generated Wallpaper
Ghosts in the Roses
Ghosts in the Roses What do they hide, the roses of mine? The lingering forms of the past, blooming like flowers in the mistAI Generated Wallpaper
Seeing the Spirits
Seeing the Spirits Sometimes I see them, flowing and glowing, playing among the dark trees. The white roses bloom, seeming to greet them, adding some elegance to the gloom. AI Generated Wallpaper
Skeletal Brontosaurus in the Ocean
Skeletal Brontosaurus in the OceanThe Brontosaurus didn’t survive the ancient cataclysmic event. But it’s bones did. Somehow the fossilization process went awry and allowed the bones to remain in a stable condition, simply floating about the sea. WeirdAI Generated Wallpaper
Wandering Ronin Personified
Wandering Ronin PersonifiedShe had long hoped to locate her master. Somehow her master disappeared in the heat of a battle. Her master was dear to her, she did teach her everything that she knew after-all, having located her and cared for her through childhood. Now she figured she would wander on, until what happened was a known certaintyAI Generated Wallpaper
Skeletal Wings in the Sun
Skeletal Wings in the SunThe unique asperations of Daedalus unfortunately ended in tragedy when his son Icarus flew too close to the sun. What most don’t know however is that Icarus survived that horrendous event, and was locked in an eternal state of flying under the guise of the sun, in a skeletal state. Oh, if only his father knew…AI Generated Wallpaper
End of the Golden Age Dark Fantasy
End of the Golden Age Dark FantasyThe Golden Age had finally met its end. The last of the Golden Warrior band were rounded up and so began their eternal slumberAI Generated Wallpaper
Tall Warrior Band Dark Fantasy
Tall Warrior Band Dark FantasyIn the trees they radiated under the light of the sun in the dark forest. They were beautiful to look upon yet fierce in their efficiency. We knew when we first witnessed them that they were be great, but we couldn’t possibly imagine their undeniable splendorAI Generated Wallpaper
Dark Fantasy Tall Warrior Ritual
Dark Fantasy Tall Warrior RitualThe ritual would take time, but in the end there would be no need to continue to prolong the Golden Age. Peace would be had at last. There would just be one final battle, a battle to end them allAI Generated Wallpaper
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit Guide
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit GuideAnd so we meet again. The guiding spirit of the Dark Forest. The director of the woods to keep us beings from succumbing to the mist, forever lost in the throes of despair. AI Generated Wallpaper
Cheshire Wolf Dark Fantasy
Cheshire Wolf Dark FantasyAn eerie forest, too quiet for comfort. An occasional cawing sounds from overhead, as my feet led me to the Cheshire wolf. AI Generated Wallpaper
Wolf Follows Mother Dark Fantasy
Wolf Follows Mother Dark FantasyA wolf follows its mother. The one who raised him. The one who saved him from the cold and brought him into her warm home. Held him by her fireplace and fed him fresh meat. He since vowed to follow her. Follow and protect. AI Generated Wallpaper
Dreampunk Wolves
Dreampunk WolvesLike a dream, I see a wolf’s eye gleam. The clouds in the sky creating shadows in the night. I look upon the moon and see a larger figure loom…AI Generated Wallpaper
Dreampunk Wolf Cave
Dreampunk Wolf CaveThere is a wolf upon a cave, offering me a place to stay. A guard for the night, so that I may close my eyes. The cave is filled with dreams and offers hopes to the unseen. To venture far inside is to be sealed forever from the light. AI Generated Wallpaper
Gothic Dark Fantasy Wolves Den
Gothic Dark Fantasy Wolves DenA den of wolves, young and old. Shredding apart their prey. The hidden cave is filled with grey, and in the pack is where they stay. AI Generated Wallpaper
Synthwave Wolf
Synthwave WolfA glowing blue light, emanating from some towering being in the night. The pink haze surrounds it, though its gaze never breaks away from mine. AI Generated Wallpaper
Overgrown and Abandoned
Overgrown and AbandonedThough the tracks are desolate and dark, I must carry on. Committed to the path, I tread ahead. I’ve come too far to turn around now..AI Generated Wallpaper
Synth Wave Wolves Howling at the Moon
Synth Wave Wolves Howling at the MoonThick pink mist clouds the sky like crashing waves. None safe from the beasts which lurk inside..AI Generated Wallpaper
Dark Fantasy Wolves Den
Dark Fantasy Wolves DenLike father like son, the young pup shall grow. Shall learn how to hunt, and learn how to know. Know what creatures to approach, and what beings are better left alone..AI Generated Wallpaper
Synthwave Wolf Howl
Synthwave Wolf HowlA howl.. What a tortured sound. I wonder if the wolf is suffering of loneliness or if it has some other companion. Some being it calls a friend. AI Generated Wallpaper
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit and Mother
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit and MotherTo be a mother is not always so simple. To pick up a pup, restless and wild, and tend to it was one thing. To watch the young wolf grow into a size simply absurd with its now dangerous profile, is entirely another.AI Generated Wallpaper
The Three Castles
The Three CastlesIn the Great City lies three castles. The first is accessible by the people, hearing cases and announcing important information. The second castle is for the land’s nobility and soldiers, discussing tactics and managing resources, day in and day out. The last castle contains things unknown. The true rulers of the land who govern us all, setting strict laws enforced with an iron will. No one knows what or who they are. I’m not sure I want to know..AI Generated Wallpaper
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