Monster Lake
Monster Lake
Solarpunk Picnic on the Outskirts
Solarpunk Picnic on the Outskirts
Elven Warrior and her Adjucator
Elven Warrior and her Adjucator
Dance of the Spirits, Cyberpunk
Dance of the Spirits, Cyberpunk
Ghosts Dancing
Ghosts Dancing
Bulldozer and Best Friend
Bulldozer and Best Friend
Cyberduck Rowboat
Cyberduck Rowboat
Cyberpunk Red City
Cyberpunk Red City
Group Selfie Before Never Coming Home
Group Selfie Before Never Coming Home
Bulldozer Turtle
Bulldozer Turtle
Metal Chu
Metal Chu
Rabid Metal Chu
Rabid Metal Chu
Steampunk Space Atmospheric Hangar
Steampunk Space Atmospheric Hangar
Ideal Oceanpunk City
Ideal Oceanpunk City
City in the Punk Ocean
City in the Punk Ocean
Oceanpunk Harbor
Oceanpunk Harbor
Glorious Oceanpunk
Glorious Oceanpunk
Cyberpunk Starside View
Cyberpunk Starside View
Cyber-Chu and Cyber-Long-Chu
Cyber-Chu and Cyber-Long-Chu
Monster Lake
Monster LakeThey told me not to go. For whatever reason I simply would not listen. I looked as they gazed at me, hunger in their eyes. I didn’t think I’d meet my end so soon, the fear welling up within me, threatening to burst out from my very being. But they just kept looking. And looking. And then they beckoned me to swim. Hopefully it wouldn’t be my last…AI Generated Wallpaper
Solarpunk Picnic on the Outskirts
Solarpunk Picnic on the OutskirtsSolaera was a beautiful town, one of the few rural areas left on Earth. With its great windmills, ever churning, it was a homely yet calming sight to behold. We fancied a picnic as we looked at the town from the outskirts so we packed a lunch and went into the wilderness. It was a strange feeling, being away from the whir of the mills. But the sense of freedom from such a small act was truly worth the minor inconveniences of itchy grass touching the skin and ants trying to steal our foodAI Generated Wallpaper
Elven Warrior and her Adjucator
Elven Warrior and her AdjucatorSalendra was the best of her caste. The warriors were bred for finesse, lithe and ever ready for action. With a flick of the wrist, the enemy was no more. And her adjucator was there, cybernetically enhanced and recording all it saw for the tribunal.AI Generated Wallpaper
Dance of the Spirits, Cyberpunk
Dance of the Spirits, CyberpunkThe cyber ghosts came out to play. Or to possess. No one remembers anymore and no one cares. As long as we get to keep dancingAI Generated Wallpaper
Ghosts Dancing
Ghosts DancingAnd on we danced. And on we danced. And on….we danced…And the cyber ghosts took their chanceAI Generated Wallpaper
Bulldozer and Best Friend
Bulldozer and Best FriendYellow bulldozer teaches his little blue bulldozer friend how to swim. The blue one is a bit afraid but trusts his older, wiser buddy. Hopefully this will turn out okay…AI Generated Wallpaper
Cyberduck Rowboat
Cyberduck RowboatThe cyberduck was one of Sky Corporations latest and greatest inventions. They had been working out new and experimental ways to help clean up the environment and with their genetically and cybernetically enhanced super cyberducks and all their glorious enthusiasm, they considered it a problem solvedAI Generated Wallpaper
Cyberpunk Red City
Cyberpunk Red CityThe beautiful colors of red city will have one taken aback. The luxurious touristic destinations and the neon lights are never ending. Red City is the foremost destination on planet X-32, with it’s Cyberpunk machinations being highly rated and well reviewedAI Generated Wallpaper
Group Selfie Before Never Coming Home
Group Selfie Before Never Coming HomeIt was here that it was realized by all in the crew that they would not be making it back home. The journey was to be their last and so they decided to take one last selfie, in their suits, that their families back home might see them as the heroes that they wereAI Generated Wallpaper
Bulldozer Turtle
Bulldozer TurtleNo one knew how it happened. One day the city woke up to a loud noise near the landfill, heard for miles on end. As the people investigated they saw…what appeared to be a turtle…dozer. It was beautiful, serene even, and well formed. Though the scientists had their speculations, it was unknown how it came to be. But it was to be moved to a museum, or a zoo(?) where it could be cared for and observed by allAI Generated Wallpaper
TurtleDozerThe original Turtle Dozer in all of its glory. Found in a separate city and after samples were taken, proven to be the originator of the others. The scientists still had no idea how it came to be, but they moved relocated to an unspecified location where it could be near the other living bulldozers…a strange phenomenon being reported all over the world as of lateAI Generated Image
Metal Chu
Metal ChuIn an alternate reality there is a place where everything that exists praises the art of Metal. For the glory that is Metal had spread in this alternate existence early on, and taken the denizens of that universe by storm. And so we have the Metal Chu and his friends. raving, raving onAI Generated Wallpaper
Rabid Metal Chu
Rabid Metal ChuIn the alternate reality taken over by the glorious art of metal, the dogs there resemble something not too unlike animals we have known here. But one was rabid and made a name for itself. It was a pet owned by one of the high nobles of Metalandia. The Rabid Metal Chu was a testament to the power this noble wieldedAI Generated Wallpaper
Steampunk Space Atmospheric Hangar
Steampunk Space Atmospheric HangarThe space hangar was of the ancient steampunk construction, situated in the atmosphere of a Jupiter class gas giant. It was one of the highest producers of anti xenos weaponry in the Human United Forces. To this day it stood as a testament to the glory of mankind. When we work together, we can, and will, accomplish anything we set our sights onAI Generated Wallpaper
Ideal Oceanpunk City
Ideal Oceanpunk CitySo they finally found the lost city of Atlantis. Turns out it wasn’t under the oceans of holy sanctified and ancient Terra. Instead, it had been repurposed and transported to the moon called Europa. It was the terraforming platform with plenty of living arrangements for the human settle of Terra that came before. Huh. Who knew?AI Generated Image
City in the Punk Ocean
City in the Punk OceanAtlantis had long grown from the basic terraforming platform it was meant to be on Europa. Now it was the premier settlement among the 9 planets. As the foremost tourist facility for the now lightened and terraformed moon, it drew visitors the galaxy wide back to our mother star system Sol.AI Generated Wallpaper
Oceanpunk Harbor
Oceanpunk HarborOceanpunk Harbor on an ocean planet in a distant star system. Mankind had been expanding for thousands of years and we now owned over a million planets. We long learned that there were threats besides that of the likes of meteor strikes and gamma ray bursts and so we needed oceanpunk harbors like Portlandica that specialized in the best starships modern humankind could musterAI Generated Wallpaper
Glorious Oceanpunk
Glorious OceanpunkA storm. It seemed this would be a large one. The planet was classified oceanpunk and true to its nature. Hurricane level events were just another casual day, and the days were long here…about 29 standard Terra hours. Well, guess I better brace myself and secure the station wide facilities. It’s a long way down from hereAI Generated Wallpaper
Cyberpunk Starside View
Cyberpunk Starside ViewThe cyberpunk city looked great from our starside view. The tourist ship Generation 95 was magnificent, being the first FTL ship of its kind in all the galaxy. And this cyberpunk city, a floating platform above the densest levels of a Neptunian Gas Giant, was a premier destination. Perhaps this trip was a good idea after-all.AI Generated Wallpaper
Cyber-Chu and Cyber-Long-Chu
Cyber-Chu and Cyber-Long-Chu Cyber-Chu and Cyber Long-Chu were the best of friends. Somehow they ended up together in this strange and foreign world, but at least they had each otherAI Generated Wallpaper
Cyber-Chu Cyber-chu long to see his friend again. He searched high and low among the cyberpunk city and relented, realizing the city was simply far too large. I suppose he should’ve asked for help, as the city had the best indexing system aroundAI Generated Wallpaper
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