Elven Warrior and her Adjucator
Elven Warrior and her Adjucator
Vampire's Scarlett Embrace
Vampire's Scarlett Embrace
Vampire's Joyous Smile
Vampire's Joyous Smile
Elven Woman in Forest Neon Green Markings
Elven Woman in Forest Neon Green Markings
Young Girl with Pet Monkey
Young Girl with Pet Monkey
An Old Man sees a Car for the very first time
An Old Man sees a Car for the very first time
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit in a Dark Forest
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit in a Dark Forest
The Dark Forest Guardian Dark Fantasy
The Dark Forest Guardian Dark Fantasy
Group Selfie Before Never Coming Home
Group Selfie Before Never Coming Home
Enlightened Monkey
Enlightened Monkey
Metal Chu
Metal Chu
Cyberpunk Darling Glow
Cyberpunk Darling Glow
Cyber-Chu and Cyber-Long-Chu
Cyber-Chu and Cyber-Long-Chu
Elven Warrior and her Adjucator
Elven Warrior and her AdjucatorSalendra was the best of her caste. The warriors were bred for finesse, lithe and ever ready for action. With a flick of the wrist, the enemy was no more. And her adjucator was there, cybernetically enhanced and recording all it saw for the tribunal.AI Generated Wallpaper
Vampire's Scarlett Embrace
Vampire's Scarlett EmbraceHer red makeup was smeared. That is makeup…right? She never failed to waste a hunt. Their confidence was always their downfall…and made them that much more of a joy to the tasteAI Generated Wallpaper
Vampire's Joyous Smile
Vampire's Joyous SmileWhen vampires hunt, they know exactly how to behave. How to act in the presence of their tracked target. Not a wasted moment and though acting on a whim, ever full of charisma. They know just how to smile, and release the perfect chemical cocktail of pheromones such that few can resist their embraceAI Generated Wallpaper
Elven Woman in Forest Neon Green Markings
Elven Woman in Forest Neon Green MarkingsA beautiful elven woman holds the gaze of another. She’s a bit confused, never seen one quite like that before…human? She remembers now, that’s what her sister called those strange forest hating beings. She ponders on whether to strike now or simply leave the funny thing in peaceAI Generated Wallpaper
Young Girl with Pet Monkey
Young Girl with Pet MonkeyShe went to the market with her pet monkey. He followed her around wherever she would go, protecting after the loss of her parents. At least she now had a lifelong friendAI Generated Wallpaper
An Old Man sees a Car for the very first time
An Old Man sees a Car for the very first timeHe lived such a long life. But it was such a rural area for the majority it that he had never seen a car. One day he was called to see a friend who was now close to passing. In that friend’s garage was the most beautiful technological marvel he had ever witnessed. And he criedAI Generated Wallpaper
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit in a Dark Forest
Dark Fantasy Wolf Spirit in a Dark ForestShe has no idea how it happened, but she got lost along the way. They were camping, her and her parents. She took a small walk for a breather and the world began to change around her. When she regained consciousness, the Wolf Spirit was looking at her, seemingly wondering why she was in its forest.AI Generated Wallpaper
The Dark Forest Guardian Dark Fantasy
The Dark Forest Guardian Dark FantasyThe Dark Forest Guardian was not to be trifled with. It had developed a reputation for quickly ending the games that visitors to the forest would play. But in it’s dark, gothic world, a wish could be granted if you approached it just right…AI Generated Wallpaper
Group Selfie Before Never Coming Home
Group Selfie Before Never Coming HomeIt was here that it was realized by all in the crew that they would not be making it back home. The journey was to be their last and so they decided to take one last selfie, in their suits, that their families back home might see them as the heroes that they wereAI Generated Wallpaper
Enlightened Monkey
Enlightened MonkeyThe monkey was at peace. It realized that though everyone is a maelstrom it is also a flow, and a coherent one at that. It began to recognize this flow for the unified current that it is and decided not to resist this flow anymore. Instead, it would meld with the current. And so it is at peaceAI Generated Image
Metal Chu
Metal ChuIn an alternate reality there is a place where everything that exists praises the art of Metal. For the glory that is Metal had spread in this alternate existence early on, and taken the denizens of that universe by storm. And so we have the Metal Chu and his friends. raving, raving onAI Generated Wallpaper
Cyberpunk Darling Glow
Cyberpunk Darling GlowNothing rang true like the love of the enhanced. The joys they shared overcame all standard Human limitations. Having their genes spliced and cybernetic fittings to allow them to chase the dreams of the old ones, they embraced, sharing a love like no otherAI Generated Wallpaper
Cyber-Chu and Cyber-Long-Chu
Cyber-Chu and Cyber-Long-Chu Cyber-Chu and Cyber Long-Chu were the best of friends. Somehow they ended up together in this strange and foreign world, but at least they had each otherAI Generated Wallpaper
Cyber-Chu Cyber-chu long to see his friend again. He searched high and low among the cyberpunk city and relented, realizing the city was simply far too large. I suppose he should’ve asked for help, as the city had the best indexing system aroundAI Generated Wallpaper
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