Monster Lake
Monster Lake
Melding with the Forest, Spirit's Gaze
Melding with the Forest, Spirit's Gaze
Red Dress Ball
Red Dress Ball
Tentacles Grasping the Moon
Tentacles Grasping the Moon
Why Are You Running
Why Are You Running
28 Years Later
28 Years Later
Monster Lake
Monster LakeThey told me not to go. For whatever reason I simply would not listen. I looked as they gazed at me, hunger in their eyes. I didn’t think I’d meet my end so soon, the fear welling up within me, threatening to burst out from my very being. But they just kept looking. And looking. And then they beckoned me to swim. Hopefully it wouldn’t be my last…AI Generated Wallpaper
Melding with the Forest, Spirit's Gaze
Melding with the Forest, Spirit's GazeShe was one with the forest. They praised her and she never knew why, never thought in those strange and archaic terms, for need does a spirit have for praise? But they praised her and she allowed it. They were respectful of the forest and as she pondered she supposed she didn’t mindAI Generated Wallpaper
Red Dress Ball
Red Dress BallThe ball was wonderful. Everyone came in their most beautiful of red dress and the designers were milking the creative energies on display. Nobody ever wanted to let go….AI Generated Wallpaper
Tentacles Grasping the Moon
Tentacles Grasping the MoonThey writhed. They grasped. Eventually they took hold. The tentacles owned the night. And soon, they would own every night to comeAI Generated Wallpaper
Why Are You Running
Why Are You RunningThey ran. And they ran. They just kept running. Nobody knew why. The runners we called them. And no matter how you felt about it, when you saw them running, you just started running too. There was nothing but an utter compulsion and the inability to resist it as it washed over you. A fate worse than death…If you hear their rumble…runAI Generated Wallpaper
28 Years Later
28 Years Later28 long years ago there was a pandemic. It started off innocent enough. It first began on a planet not very far from Holy Terra. And then it spread. If the spores reached your home, you could count your planet among the numerous lost. For there was no escaping the Bile PlagueAI Generated Wallpaper
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